Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Vivian Helene is 15 months old!

New stats!

Weight: 30 lb 7 oz (13.8 kg) above 99th percentile
Height: 32 inches (81 cm) 93rd percentile
Head circumference: 19 in (48.5 cm) 98th percentile

Big girl! She is above average on social-gross motor-small motor skills. She is amazing, beautiful, and (most importantly) healthy!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Isa swimming milestone

Isa has always been extremely sensitive about her face (especially eyes) getting wet. Well, just the other day she decided to put her whole face in the pool, on her own!

daily practices of unschoolers

I want to remember this list:

1. play a game
2. create
3. be still and silent
4. write
5. go outside

Something to aspire to in my parenting/teaching my girls.